Springville Museum of Art

CLICK on the button above if you are here for the answer key. But if you haven’t completed the puzzles yet, we didn’t want to spoil it for you! And if you want to know more about this project, keep reading!

It aaaaallllll started over 2 decades ago, when Mike Loveland fell in love with a little city with an art museum: Art City, Utah. Mike bought himself a home, and then met a girl named Alma, who lived in the big Salt Lake City. He wooed her (woo hoo!), brought her home to Springville (Art City!) and they got MARRIED! And they celebrated with a big party in the beautiful Springville Museum of Art.

Fast forward, and in 2023, Mike and Alma said, “Wouldn’t it be great to do a project for the Springville Museum of Art?” Total DREAM JOB. Shout out to Bailee Merrill (of Utah Valley Magazine!) for introducing us to the Springville Museum of Art Director, Emily Larsen—we were able to meet with Emily and show her what we can do! Emily said, “Hmmmmmm we have a 100th anniversary of our famous Spring Salon coming up…. maybe…. just maybe… there’s something we can do!” (This is not an exact quote. But it’s close enough.)

In the spring of 2024, the museum commissioned Your Very Favorite to create a coloring + activity INVITATION to go out to all the students living in Springville, inviting them to visit the museum, and showing them how the whole reason we HAVE a museum is because of Springville students and their interest in art 100 years ago!!

It was a pure delight to dive into the history of our city and our art museum. Use the buttons to scroll through and read the history for yourself!

MAJOR credit goes to our high school student intern, Emily Daines (I know… another Emily! Don’t confuse them!). Since it was high school students who brought us the museum in the first place, we felt 100% confident asking Emily to read up on the history and choose what she thought was important to tell the story. Emily sketched out an incredible layout that started with an invitation, told the history (with fun details like Art Queens and pennies!), and circled back to the invitation. We relied on Emily’s sketch and vision throughout the project.

Cover image of invitation to Springville Museum of Art 100 Spring Salons
preview of panels 2-5 of the Springville Museum of Art invitation
Panels 6-7, and cover, of Springville Museum of Art invitation

Here you can see how our invitation turned out, complete with some sample coloring. Students are invited to complete activities and add color to this fun coloring + activity invitation.


The City of La Quinta, California